AquaNRG develops novel screening, diagnostic, and predictive tools for complex geoenergy and environmental applications.
Oil and gas industry is playing a critical role in energy transition by providing the affordable and reliable energy in scale. We help our oil and gas clients maximize revenue while lowering their upstream emissions and water consumption.
These objectives are achieved through AquaNRG's novel interdisciplinary screening, diagnostic, and predictive models which have been built on coupled geochemistry, microbiology, and physics principles enhanced by AI and high-performance computing in the cloud. These tools help geoscientists, reservoir engineers, petrophysicists, and petroleum engineers design and optimize strategies for:
Low Carbon Oil Production
Economic-Environmental-Petrphysical-Geochemical Screening Metrics for NRG Systems-Sandia National Lab's Cutting-Edge Wettability Alteration Technology
Digital SCAL
Exploration and Production Companies Utilize aiRock to Develop Digital Twins of SCAL Experiments and Screen/Predict the Petrophysical Rock Properties e.g. Kr
Energy Transition
aiRock Is Used in Risk Assessment, and Optimization of Deep Geothermal Energy Resources and Subsurface Hydrogen Storage Projects.

Can oil and gas operators economically improve oil recovery and lower environmental footprint by altering the composition of injected brine?
AquaNRG has landed a contract with NRG Systems Inc., a Sandia National Labs related licensor, to quantify this question.
Applications of the technology include subsurface reservoir waterflooding, and remediation. AquaNRG has fortified the client's existing wettability alteration model to incorporate optimization of injectate chemistry and soak time for the complex input parameter space, including:
chemistry-based modifications to injected fluids,
operator rock property and engineering values, and
various reactive fluid flow considerations.
Further information about this collaboration can be found below.
State-of-the-art digital twin for Special Core Analysis workflows
AquaNRG advances next-generation models for quantifying subsurface fluid-rock interactions:
Dynamic Wettability describes the geochemically-controlled preference of a fluid, such as water or hydrocarbons, to stick to mineral surfaces. Applications of the dynamic wettability include subsurface reservoir waterflooding, and remediation but also budding multiphase flow operations in the energy-environmental nexus such as carbon capture, utilization and sequestration (CCUS).
Porosity-Permeability Relationship capturing mineral dissolution-precipitation reactions in porous and fracture media
Kr-S and Pc-S Relationship derived from accurate numerical models of reactive multiphase flow under steady-state and transient conditions.

Whether it is analysis of a CO2 utilization technology through synthetic biology, or a geologic hydrogen storage project's risk assessment, our versatile domain experts will offer an accurate and multi-perspective solutions.
Our CCUS products, i.e. CCUS-BATCH and CCUS-RTM are used for:
baseline geochemical data analysis of various subsurface formations and information on the compatibility of CO2 with fluids in the injection zone and minerals in both the injection and confining zones
geochemical and reactive transport modeling, supporting US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s ClassVI permit for geologic CO2 storage (CCS),
wellbore cement integrity analysis following CO2-cement interaction, and
integration of customized and proprietary library of biogeochemical pathways of CO2-brine-rock/bacteria into existing reservoir simulators.
For the comprehensive list of our CCUS products and services, please download our brochures and visit our CCUS website:
Water is undeniably pivotal to environmental and energy value chain. Which is why it’s AquaNRG's mission that we create innovative workflows and technologies for modeling produced water in oil and gas production, surface water (e.g. lakes), and groundwater contamination and remediation. At AquaNRG, we partner with our clients to design solutions that address their unique needs throughout the water infrastructure lifecycle.
Mining of lithium and other metals (e.g. cupper) has captured attention due to growing demand for renewable energy technologies.
Our products help:
quantify geochemical processes that contribute to generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) and analyze the effect of factors such as temperature, pH, and mineral surface area that influence mineral weathering rates.
estimate resultant release of sulfate, Fe(II), protons and heavy metals and metalloids to natural environment.
Transport behavior and geochemical evolution of acid mine drainage (AMD) in porous and fractured media can be investigated with aiRock.
Download a case study from Sancho Reservoir in Spain here:

Deep geological disposal is widely agreed to be the best and the safest solution for final disposal of the radioactive waste produced. We help private and public nuclear waste agencies:
study the near-field of nuclear waste repository and stability of engineering barrier systems(EBS) such as clays and concrete plugs.
develop predictive models of long-term evolution of EBS and radionuclide plumes.
Types of reactions aiRock simulates:
Solubility, sorption and dissolution of high, intermediate, low and very low level radioactive wastes can be assessed through incorporating proper thermodynamic databases.

Viet Nguyen
Reservoir Engineer
" Our project was looking at the impact of frac fluid in unconventional rocks. It has been a really great learning experience working with AquaNRG team. They have domain expertise to set up simulations with really quick turnaround because of accessing to high-performance computing in the cloud. We had update meetings frequently, were able to look at the intermediate results and gain insights on flow and fluid-rock interactions. Another advantage of AquaNRG is its access to large number of solvers in addition to their in-house numerical packages. We could run many digital experiments and compare them with our SCAL experiments. Overall, we had a pleasant and fruitful experience working with AquaNRG."

Helmuth Heneman President
NRG Systems
"In 2018, AquaNRG was contracted to develop NRGWell, proprietary geochemical-financial programs for estimating the amount of additional production available to producers, and the Present Value of undertaking these modifications to boost primary or secondary production. AquaNRG delivered the project within the budget and ahead of schedule. NRG Systems also subscribed to AquaNRG's web application i.e. aiRock. In 2021, NRG Systems contracted AquaNRG again to expand NRGWell's capabilities by coupling fluid flow. "

Bicheng Yan
" Geochemical and reactive transport modeling for geologic carbon storage (CCS) course was a great training, and indeed I enjoyed it in terms of technical depth and all the interactions. "